March 2015 Report Card

With great power comes great bills. Its true, our move to the 'burbs was a good move. However, that doesn't mean that it was without issues. In our first couple months we have spent over $300 on gas and electric. Which is about 100% more than we are used to paying. The good news is that despite this increase of bills we were still able to pay off the last of Keri's student loans! Thanks in part to tax returns and to working our little behinds off. Without going into too much detail, let's just say that we essentially worked in the equivalent of a sweatshop in order to make the extra money to finally get rid of all of Keri's loans for good!

Let's recap what this means in dollars:

Total debts paid off since the beginning:

  • Sallie Mae = $800
  • DCU CPI = $2,000
  • Citizens CC = $3,728
  • Cities CC = $7,270
  • Keri 2nd loan = $10,564
  • TOTAL: $24,362

Total paid off (Including rest of bills & interest) = $41,825

What's next??? These big guys:

  • DCU = $8,487 ( was $13000)
  • US Dept. of Ed. = $16,455 (was $23466)
  • Chase Loan = $21,671 (was $24492)
  • ACS Loan = $34,418 (was $37534)
  • Total left to pay: $81,031

Hopefully we can still do this in under 4 years. The difficult part for us is trying to rationalize paying these off vs savings - a decision we still have yet to make.

We're really excited to keep going, but we're also starting to plan for the next phase of this project. More to come next time. Seriously, it's going to be fun. 


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