The Master: In Four Parts


We made it guys! Another year has passed and we are once again in the midst of Oscar season. The leaves have fallen, the snow is still snow in some places but mostly we are all complaining about the Oscar nominations for the year. Yes, we all have our gripes and grudges and our opinions on what/who we want to win, what/who deserves it and who is an overrated hack masquerading as an actor - but we're not interested in covering any of that. Instead we want to take a look back at our favorite film of the year, The Master

Every day this week we will be posting a different piece by one of our contributors based on the four key aspects of The Master: PT Anderson, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams. We will be writing whatever we want about the film from personal stories based on these key players, to semi-intelectual discussions of the film because why not? This is America and we can do what we please.